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What are 15 Video Marketing Trends for 2022?

Video marketing needs to be part of your marketing strategy. But what is essential video marketing?

We will look at some of the top video marketing trends for 2022 and how you can incorporate them into your marketing plans.

If you’re not sure that video is among the top forms of online content, it’s time to be convinced.

Video marketing trends are becoming important to marketing strategies. Researchers have found that 84% of consumers have been convinced to buy a product after watching a video. Also, they’re twice as likely to share videos than other types of online content.

Here are 20 emerging video marketing trends for 2022 you should know and try.


1. Sequential Storytelling Videos

YouTube has put a lot of time and effort into making video content. Their research indicates that videos with sequential storytelling create effective ads.

With the increase of streaming YouTube and television as an entertainment platform that users watch longer-form videos, the narrative format is more essential than ever.

This trend works for YouTube. And anywhere else you decide to use video. It works for both long and short videos too.


2. User-Generated Videos

The user-generated video has been popular with social media. But it is everywhere you look. Even video that’s not user-generated usually has that authentic look to it.


3. Interactive Videos

The interactive video comes in different forms. It could be virtual reality or accompanying elements, games, links, or options on a website or shared post.

It may help if you gave users something to do when they’ve watched your video. Try to continue your audience engagement. Don’t let it stop with just a view. Users who watch a video are already engaged with your brand and content and are even more likely to continue that engagement. Keep the connection with an interactive opportunity.

The key to doing interactivity work is to align with the video itself. The link or following action should be intuitive and exciting.


4. TikTok Style Videos

Almost every video on social media uses the fun, fast, energetic style made famous on TikTok. These short videos with funny jingles, crazy dance moves, and pranks explain one thing.

This fun and silly style is carrying over into marketing as well. The trick to this video is a mixture of information and entertainment. And it’s more complicated than it looks. To make the most of it for proper marketing purposes, you should plan to storyboard ideas first.


5. Longer-Format Videos

Longer-format videos are increasing. People watch full-length videos online, from social media interviews and clips that last a few minutes to full videos on YouTube.

The trick to longer-format videos is that they have to be good.

Longer videos can result in higher engagement rates. Longer than 15 minutes videos account for 50 percent of all video engagement. But only 8 percent of the content.


6. Educational and Training Videos

Educational content is one of the most in-demand types of video content.

68% of people prefer watching videos to learn about new things. That is more than reading articles, ebooks, infographics, and manuals.

If you are not sure about producing video content, we will help you. Create a video that helps users better understand who you are, what you do, or your service or product offerings. And share it!

video marketing

7. More Live Stories Videos

Live stories are not only for Instagram. They are taking over all types of video formats in private and public spaces, like web chatting.

Now video creates an authentic connection with users that they like. 80% of audiences claimed they would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog post.

So, if you aren’t going live, it may be time to think about it. Remember to keep the video brief and to the point and ensure good audio and video quality. The first reason viewers turn away from the live video is poor quality.

If the video has timeless content, consider flagging or highlighting it to be replayed later.


8. More Personal Video Interactions

You can thank the pandemic for personal video interactions, but more people interact in groups or individually using live video chat.

Zooming is a verb that refers to this type of video. It spills over to person-to-person marketing. From recorded videos that look like video chats to scheduling chats for sales purposes, expect a lot more person-to-person interaction using video.


9. Soundless Optimization Videos

Captioning is crucial to ensure that video content ultimately reaches the audience.

Social media changed the game when it comes to video marketing. A large number of users watch without sound.

There are many reasons for this, from not wanting co-workers to hear what’s on the screen next to them, watching a video in public places on phones, and general annoyance at audio. But you need to create a video for those who don’t like to listen.

Captioning is vital to ensure that video content fully reaches the audience. This can impact how you record video for marketing and edit it for playback.

Fortunately, optimizing for soundless playback helps make video content accessible to additional people. We have got a guide to accessibility for you here, and it includes some tools for captioning videos.


10. Less Production Videos

Unless you are making a movie, highly produced video is out, and quick action, blog-style video is in. The rise in video on YouTube and social media has changed the value of production for viewers.

What are the other reasons for this video marketing technique? It’s fast and adaptable.

Rather than sending a simple tweet, people may engage in online video messaging.

video marketing

11. Vlogging vs. Blogging

Vlogging on YouTube and other video social media is the new blogging. Video diaries, tutorials, and reviews are a great way to help people find your service or product. In addition, it is a growing marketing segment.

Vlogging is getting more mainstream with tools such as Instagram TV. There is no need for high-end equipment to tell a video story online, just a phone, an inexpensive microphone, editing software, and YouTube.


12. Vertical Videos

It would help if you thanked Instagram Stories and TV for vertical videos. But YouTube and Facebook also support vertical video. Think about how you hold your phone – it’s vertically.

Square videos are also gaining popularity. It depends on where you plan to post and share. Horizontal video is still best for websites viewed on wide-screen monitors and video ad formats. Vertical video belongs to social media.


13. Super Short Video Ads

What if your video ad finishes before the “skip” option pops up? It ensures that all the content will be seen.

Super short videos or micro-video ads are catching on. Creating an excellent video to click in 6 to 10 seconds is challenging. But short-form video ads may tease users to force them to want more. Use highly engaging visuals or fast-paced to grab users and lure them to your website with this video marketing trend.


14. Searchable Videos

If you are creating a video, make sure Google can search it. The search engine is crawling video. Results show in search results.

The better content you provide, the better it will look when people find video content from search. Google has plenty of information on structured video content to make the most of the investigation.

While this marketing trend has less to do with video content, it significantly impacts your total marketing efforts. If you spend the time to create a video, take an extra minute to ensure it will get seen by many people.


15. Shoppable Video Content

Create a video showcasing a service or a product and allow users to swipe to buy.

Videos have been creeping into e-commerce. And not just for those online reviewers.

Shoppable videos are short videos that allow users to click and buy immediately. They don’t force you to leave the video to make the conversion.

You mimic the experience of a website. So shoppers can buy without leaving the website. You may be seeing these videos all the time.

Shoppable content is increasing. The format is simple: Create a video that shows a product or service. Then allow users to swipe-to-buy using Snapchat or Instagram ads.


16. Less Production videos

Before, video marketing trends focused on cinematography. Not anymore.

Today, video marketing is about creating content that people trust. They should think it is accurate.

Fortunately, this is easier for you. Much of the videos on social media are produced on phones and tablets. Plus, you won’t feel bad about using a low-budget option only a handful of times before moving on to something else.


17. Optimize for Different Channels

The size, type, and format of video can impact its engagement with different users. The days you create one single clip and use it everywhere are gone.

Editing software will be your best friend. Because you can take the same fundamental video piece and crop, edit, and export by channel. It’s time to get the highest engagement rates possible.




If you aren’t a videographer, figure out how the video will be incorporated into marketing and design plans. It will continue to grow as part of your online strategy.

Use video in website designs, social media, and stand-alone advertising to engage with users in a way that they find highly engaging.

Videos are essential pieces of a strong marketing strategy for 2022 and well into the future. But video can’t do it alone. Brands need a robust, comprehensive marketing strategy and compelling content to drive results.

PurpleZ, as a top Display and Video Advertiser in Irvine, implements the best video marketing strategy for Southern California small to mid-sized businesses.

In our display marketing, we design compelling and straightforward ads in the form of images, banners, videos, buttons with messages communicated clearly to the audience. We distributed them on websites, apps, and social media platforms.

Then we assess display ads using metrics such as impressions, CTR, and conversions. We keep up with the latest display marketing strategy to distinguish your business in the competitive market.

If you want to grow your business Contact Us Now.



8 Exciting Video Marketing Trends for 2022. Marketinginsidergroup

15+ Video Marketing Trends for 2022. Designshack


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